RxYourBox Blog from BestBox

In the New Year, Be Careful Not To Make This Scheduling Mistake

Written by Stephanie | Dec 14, 2019 9:51:22 PM

As an entrepreneur, you are undoubtedly an idea machine. Thoughts come to you constantly, day or night, about programs to add, certifications to host, outings to arrange, workouts to program, marketing strategies to employ, sales promotions to push.

And, arguably, your brain is on overdrive right now: the new year is coming up.

There’s nothing like a brand new year to launch a brand new program.

But we, of course, know that not all ideas are good ones. And even some good ideas don’t work the way we think they will.

To shield your members from announcements like “Sorry folks—we’re not offering yoga anymore because there just wasn’t enough participation,” test the waters: Before you add any new classes/programs to your schedule (Olympic Weightlifting, Yoga, Mobility, Boot Camp, Core, Powerlifting, etc.) gauge participation/engagement by making it a one-time course FIRST.

So instead of offering yoga with the hopes that your athletes will hop on board, do a six-week yoga course. Require sign-ups. Charge for the course. And prior to the start date, make it known that the course will run as long as there are ten (for example) participants.

At the end of the six weeks, get feedback from the participants. Ask them if they’d sign up again and if they think it would be a good addition to the current program. Basically, find out if the addition of this program will enhance the customer experience.

You’ll likely know the answer after you receive feedback from the participants.

But from our experience…

Folks get really excited about the novelty of a new program, and then the program (regardless of how well-received it was) fizzles out.

Consider, then, offering several six-week courses per year. Rotate between stuff like Yoga and Core and Olympic Weightlifting and Powerlifting. Not only will your athletes love the fun that comes with the newness, but it’s also a great way to add revenue streams to the business.

And yes—you might run across a program that does so well as a course that it belongs on the schedule. It’ll be a great feeling to know that this program will probably be really successful and add value to your member’s experience.

For great member experience, limit the number of times you “take something away” from your athletes. Test your programs first. It’s a win for the athletes and a win for the business.